What is this
compulsion to get up in the middle of the night and putter around
strange new noise?
Not even the siren's call of television, the physical need
for exercise, or threats of dire consequences from employers
about nodding off during meetings seem to keep them from it.
the plaintive urging from spouses to return to bed and feed the
cat, their pallid visages remain lit up by the ghostly glow of
computer monitors, or they can be only heard running power tools
behind the locked doors of their workshops building god knows
what. They realize that no conventional radio station would ever
their work, that no coffee house would let them set up in a corner
and blat away at the customers, that their extended relatives
will respond with polite incomprehension or outright incredulity
they try to describe their passion over the turkey carcass. Untold
millions throughout the world suffer this experimental obsession.
Theirs is an often-misunderstood grass roots form of self expression.
In other words, theirs is the "Folk Music of the 21st Century.